3DWorld (201/293)

From:Andreas Hippauf
Date:24 Apr 2000 at 16:49:39
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

Hello Robert

Am 24-Apr-00 schrieb Robert Kihl:
>>> I installed the latest CGX update and the MESA demos runs much
>>> faster now, but I still get the flickering on every Warp3D program.
>>> Seams like it=B4s not doing a cls on one of the buffers. Anyone know
>>> how to fix this?

>> Easy:
>> Dont waste your Graphics-Memory for Backgroundpatterns on Workbench
>> or Birdie.

> I tried runnig WB in 640x480 with no bg pic and no birdie but that
> didn=B4t make any difference. I don=B4t see why it should, why shouldn=B4=
> Warp3D programs be able to do a cls if I have=B4nt got enough video mem=
> Isn=B4t background pics stored in fast mem?

I am not a hardware-guy or hardcore-coder, but I had your problems here
to on my cybervision-64-3D. As this got only 4 MB total memory on the
graphicscard, it might be, that there is no big enough piece of memory
left in one unit, or how should this be explained. Nevertheless, like I
said, I had this problem some time ago and got rid of it with the
solution I told you. When it does not help you, we might start checking
your ENV:-Vars. Please use Tim Hanssons little programm=20
getwarpvars and tell us its output. This might be really usefull for
error detection. Perhaps hyperion wants to link it on their webpage,
too? It seems to be very usefull for bug-reports. (Dont get me wrong, I
dont expect too many bugs in hereticII but for betatesting of future


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